New this week: Custom Mortal Kombat RAIN motuc EVIL-LYN star wars allegiance MARA JADE and marvel universe X-23

Hey guys, Hunter here with more of that plastic addiction. This week I have ready for you an accurate depiction of Skeletor's main squeeze: Evil Lyn in her accurate cartoon style, complete with her accesories, cape, real skin color, and a different sculpt on her leotard. Gotta say that she is one of the finest customs I have made so far, related to the "cartoon accurate" line.
Next for the Mortal Kombat fans, is RAIN. This new version features tons of articulation, new shoulder sculpts and a lot of bad attitude! check the video I made for him on youtube here:
Also this week , is an inspiration of mine; X-23 in a stealth operations suit , complete with metallic claws and tons of articulation. I used a g.i.joe base figure for her since they are more dynamic than the regular universe ladies.
And last but not least MARA JADE my favorite expanded universe character, this time in her "star wars allegiance" suit. I know I haven't put many Star Wars figures lately, but I will try and have more room for them, as well as g.i.joe. Check her video here (stay tuned at the end):
You can find these and more auctions (like the iron Man Tech armors from toys r us) on action figures123's ebay auctions here:
Until next time!